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Sculptra is a new injectable used to fight wrinkles and sagging skin by stimulating the skin’s collagen production to help restore the cheeky plumpness of healthy skin. It is an alternative anti-aging treatment to injectable dermal fillers, skin creams, fat injections and implants. Collagen is an important structural protein found in connective tissue. Its function is to keep the skin firm, youthful and smooth. As you age, your body’s collagen production decreases, and you may begin to see wrinkles or sagging. Fat loss beneath the skin also results in drooping skin, hollowed cheeks, indentations and depressions in the face

As Sculptra stimulates your skin to regrow its own natural collagen over time, it helps to correct shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds resulting in a firmer, younger looking skin. It is important that you understand that Sculptra is simply a collagen stimulator. The Sculptra itself is NOT providing the filling action; the Sculptra causes a reaction in the skin, which forms new collagen. The Sculptra itself is absorbed by the tissue and is gone about 2 years after a treatment, but the new collagen layer which is left behind may last 2 or more years. Sculptra requires a SERIES of treatments to achieve adequate filling for most skin defects.

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